Professional Development Opportunities

The Centre has a number of programs, and resources available for professionals, students, and families. Please check our News and Events and our social media pages for our current PD opportunities.

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The following includes past and current offerings. Please contact us at for more information. 

  • RBT Training
  • Workshops 
  • In-service training programs – on-site at your offices or institution
  • Building Behavioural Solutions Conference 
  • Community of Practice Groups

Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) Training

Click here for more information about RBT training. 

The Centre for Behavioural Studies Journal Club

Stay tuned for more information.

This Club has met at various times throughout the academic year. Recent articles were reviewed and discussed at each meeting. The Centre is an Approved Continuing Education (ACE) provider, and therefore CEU’s are available.


Periodically, the Centre hosts webinars on relevant topics in Behavioural Science. Please watch our News & Events as well as our social media pages for notices of up-coming webinars.

Workshops at the Centre

The Centre offers workshops for parents, caregivers and professionals on a varied number of topics in behaviour analysis.  Workshops are mainly offered on weekends and evenings.  CEU credits are available for certain workshops and will be noted in the announcements. Please watch our News & Events space and social media pages for announcements of up-coming workshops.

In-Service Training Programs

The Centre offers specialized in-service training options that are custom designed for the needs of your staff.  Contact us today to see what kind of a specialized training package we can deliver to your workplace.

Building Behavioural Solutions Conference

CBS has hosted the annual Building Behavioural Solutions Conference at St. Lawrence College. This conference brings together experts, clinicians, professionals, and students in the field of  Applied Behaviour Analysis, mental health and counselling, education, organizational behaviour management, and other applicable fields to explore the broader application of behaviour science. The conference also includes a poster gala hosted by fourth year thesis students in SLC’s Honours Bachelor of Behavioural Psychology Degree Program. We are proud to have hosted many prominent leaders in the field of Behavioural Science. 

Click HERE for Poster submission guidelines. 

Stay tuned for information about future upcoming conferences. 

Community of Practice Group

The Centre hosts a monthly community of practice group for professionals who utilize the principles of ABA in their daily work.  Professionals gather to discuss important issues in the field and to work on solutions to common challenges. To join our community of practice group contact us today at